Everyday Activities You Can Do Virtually

We hope you are all doing well and looking after yourselves during these uncertain times. Being on lock-down is tough for us all, so we have put together some ideas on how you can take part in everyday activities from the comfort of your own homes. Even if your country may now be relaxing lock-down restrictions, it is always great to explore the possibilities of connecting online. For those with travel bans, or if you are high risk and therefore self-isolating that bit longer, we hope these suggestions are helpful for staying connected!
Virtual Coffee

Miss your weekly coffee? Treat yourself and order your favourite coffee and flavours to make at home. Find a Coffee Shop songs playlist on Spotify, or search “coffee shop background noises” on YouTube. Make yourself comfortable on a sofa and relax. If you usually meet with friends, you can connect with them over video call them over a nice cup of coffee, or even meet up in AltspaceVR, VRChat or RecRoom to chat and play games together!
VR Sports and Boardgames

Download Sports Scramble and play tennis, bowling or baseball all from the comfort of your own home. We also recommend Eleven or Racket Fury for table tennis. Or perhaps try out the newest VR sport – EchoVR! If you have access to cycling/rowing/elliptical, travel through beautiful 3D environments using VZFit and Holofit.
Prefer something a little more relaxing or strategic? You can use Tabletop Simulator to play board games in VR even against friends who are just on PC.
VR Travel Adventures

Disappointed that your next travel adventure has been cancelled, or getting tired of seeing the same four walls? Get on your VR headset and download Google Earth on Steam or National Geographic Explore on the Oculus store or simply search Youtube for 360 travel videos and get exploring!
Virtual Pub Quiz

Miss your favourite local pub quiz? Have a look for them online, they may well be streaming it virtually! Better yet, write your own and take it in turns with your group to be the quizmaster.
Movie Hangout

Watch a movie with friends in Bigscreen, or if your friends don’t have VR then use the Chrome extension Netflix Party to watch something together while staying connected.
Learn Online

Now is a great time to look into some online courses! Many companies are offering them for free or giving discounts due to the lockdown. Some recommended resources of ours include Babbel, Codecademy, and Coursera. And of course, if you are really missing your job, you can always check out Job Simulator…
We would love to hear what you’ve gotten up to during the lockdown, keep in touch with us through our Facebook Community Group and let us know!
Wishing you all a safe and happy lock-down.